What kind of food (or meat) is forbidden in Hinduism?

Hinduism is the major and oldest religion being followed by millions and millions of people. It is a known fact that religion is estimated aged over 4000 years ago. The religion is fledged with hundreds of sacred beliefs that save Hinduism and people bestowed following the religion are prone to follow the sacred beliefs throughout their lives. Their faith in living, worshipping Gods/Goddesses, eating habits and habitat is completely dependent on the ensured and ethnic beliefs.

The habit of eating is much concentrated in the article and a brief description of forbidden foods in the Hinduism is detailed below.

Eating habit of Hindus

Based on the eating habit, the Hindus are classified as three major groups and their characters are framed in accordance:
1. Satva
2. Rajas
3. Tamas
The above 3 are the ultimate and fundamental characters of human being and their characters are designed based on the diet they consume. Common definition of the characters seeks its importance before getting into the food category.

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Satva is the character of goodness and positivity that drag the individual towards knowledge and virtuousness. The food habit coincides with the qualities of the satva are eating non-fleshy or non-meat, but go for the choice of green leafy vegetables and grains. Hinduism preaches its followers eating vegetables and not the meat or other passion loving food.

The only food that depended on an animal is the milk of a cow that brings nourishment to mankind. Hence, most of the Hindus are belongs to lacto-vegetarian but considering North Eastern and Western India are supposed to eat meat inclusive of Beef though they do not fall under the satva group of character.


This character is specified with passion, loving and look for neither good nor evilness. Food categories coming under this type are meat, eggs along with bitter and spicy taste foods. The effect of these foods leads to the state of greediness and passion towards belongings. In India, mostly north – Western and North-Eastern parts of India do prefer the rajas type of food, particularly; the people other than Hinduism are picked to choose rajas type of food.


People left out under the condition of confusion, anxiety, and restlessness are known to choose preserved food like pickle, garlic rich food, rotten food, and beverages. The food practice drags them towards lust and thereby leads to lethargy in the system.

From the above classification, it is not only the character of the individual but also their habit of food practice is read through. According to Hinduism, there are certain foods that are eschewed at any cost. A sacred cow comes under the list, very first. The cow is the sacred animal known for its charity and helping tendency to mankind. Milk of cow is rich in nutrients and energy even the cow dung is subjected to use as fuel for cooking. The cow dung is used as a disinfectant and sprinkled all over the house while conducting Homas. Despite being helpful to mankind, the cow is praised for its divine quality and being part of worship. According to Hindu mythology, the entire group of Gods/Goddesses believed to reside in the parts of the cow. A cow when pass by a busy road is not subjected to dispose of somewhere and people lay their hand to touch the back of the cow as the part is believed as divine where millions of positive energy reside.

Vegetable Plate

NO to Beef

Of course! There are certain groups of Hindus eating non-vegetarian as they are not supposed to preach or chant mantras. Particularly, they eat beef though it is strictly prohibited by Hindu mythology. Desirably beef is not accepted by most of the Hindus but certain ratio takes up on account of their locality, surrounding and other bitter reasons.

Eating beef is strictly prohibited in orthodox Hindus and they remain Lacto-vegetarian drinking the cow’s milk instead which is the only animal food-related to. Beef eating habit is encouraged in other religion hence in such areas the Hindus take in beef as they do not neglect. Apart from beef, there are certain vegetables even that too abstained by orthodox Hindus. Garlic, turnip, and onion, etc are a taboo list of vegetables that are prohibited from eating though there are few percentages of the population in Hindus following the strict rules. Everything is not set in stone but engraved to follow and that is followed in case of foods, too.

Alcohol is not consumed and strictly prohibited from Hindus. Particularly, the preaching sects of Hindus like Brahmin, Swaminarayan community are prone to avoid consuming alcohol. They do not take the root vegetables too so that it drains all the spiritual thoughts as it builds the Tamastic qualities inside the body. Even other Hindus rather Brahmins avoid consuming alcohol for spiritual and cultural reasons. The most preferable meat that Hindus opt for is the meat of goat besides they do not take the meat of pork as the animal is considered to be filthy. In India, people belonging to other religions are consuming the meat of all types inclusive of pork and beef and probably Hindus living in the same place are prone to take it and do not avoid instead.

Why meat is forbidden in Hinduism?                       

Hindu religion does not insist or forces the followers to eat vegetarian alone but for the cause of ‘’ahimsa’’ followers are taught to be vegetarian. It is elaborately described that when Hindus consume meat, fish, eggs, and seafood, there is the possibility of instinct vibration of the small creatures. This vibration may pull down the abstract nature of the human that consumes. Especially, for the cause alone Hindus are prohibited to take the meat and related non-vegetarian foods.

Salad Decorated

Not only meat but also other foods and beverages are been prohibited and taught not to consume by Hindus. According to the known fact of Hindu mythology, only the vegetarian based food is bringing down the negative impact of human being and make them calm and settled with. Henceforth, people are classified according to their working nature and Brahmins are refusing to intake non-vegetarian foods. Whereas those Hindus serving in the Indian Army, Police force and other Public service departments are prone to intake meat and fish in their menu. This would keep them forcible and act according to their position.

Food and Yoga

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Yoga plays a significant role in human life and its influence is widespread and impressive in taking the food. World-famous Yoga Guru, Sadhguru, preaches his followers to take the raw food or the half-cooked food throughout their lives. This is scientifically proved that raw food retains its nutrient value comparatively as good as that when it is cooked. Even the Brahmins accept the raw food from the lower caste wherein they do not accept the cooked food. This explains the importance of raw food and the point is valued and accepted by master chefs and they ask to take the vegetables in the half-cooked state despite it is not possible to take in a raw form.
Image Source: Wikipedia

Basal Metabolic Rate

The Yoga guru also states that the BMR (Basal Metalic Rate) is tremendously maintained in those individuals that intake the half-cooked and raw food. It completely depends on the food that took reciprocated in the day-to-day activities and extent of sleep. The more heavy food people eat more will be the extent of sleep that laterally leads to lethargy and dullness. Higher the quantity of food settled down undigested higher the ratio of inertia settled down in the body. What is the purpose of eating then? People do not eat just for joy and pleasure but to retain a healthy and energetic life.

Avoid soft beverages like coffee and tea more often in a day despite it is advised to take it as a green or herbal drink. The soft drinks are abstained in certain houses of Hindus, even today and they start their day with pleasant and healthy green tea. Sathguru also explains how to eat the food thrice a day and what the magic it creates is something inert and explosive.

Eat fresh and healthy

Eating fresh food is something a favor that an individual does to their body. The more fresh the food may be more healthy the individual that consumes it. It adds up with half-cooked or eating raw food to lead a healthy life because raw food retains its prana throughout but not the cooked or half-cooked one does.

Chew possibly

Chewing is the beginning process of digestion and hence chews better to start the digestion right from the mouth. Even the system insists the same. He adds to chew at least 20 times to initiate the better digestion and less inertia settling down.

Fond of eating

People should love the process of eating and should take every meal or snack with the utmost pleasure. This may bind the individual with their food. Once the food is intake with pleasure the percentage of absorption is quite impressive and digests quickly releasing the energy.

Hinduism retains spiritual thoughts and opinions with it all about food and its method of eating. Yoga is associated with eating habits and the credit of eating. Hindus try to follow the method to the extent of originality.